Why is dental care so important during pregnancy?

Even during pregnancy, dental care should not be neglected. Find out here how you can go through life with a smile and at the same time create optimal conditions for your offspring.



Why should you take extra care of your teeth during pregnancy? 


Due to the hormonal changes and other additional stresses during pregnancy, the body fights on several fronts. Teeth and gums are also part of it. Pregnant women have an increased risk of periodontitis. Almost one third of all pregnant women are affected by such bacterial gum inflammation. It is also discussed whether periodontitis can also have a negative effect on the not-yet-born child and lead to premature birth or low weight. However, this is still controversial. So no definite statements can be made yet.



What causes an increased risk of periodontitis?


Due to increased progesterone levels, the blood vessels in the gums dilate. Progesterone in a female sex hormone that is especially high during pregnancy. The dilated blood vessels make it easier for toxins and plaque bacteria to enter the tissues. A simple gum inflammation can thus quickly develop into periodontitis.



What are signs of periodontitis?


If you have bleeding gums, gum pockets, receding gums, bad breath and painful necks of teeth, you should definitely go to the dentist.



What exactly can you do?


First of all, you can do a lot on your own. Always maintain good oral hygiene. Buy a toothbrush with soft bristles so as not to strain your gums too much and an anti-inflammatory toothpaste with plaque-fighting ingredients - such as our happybrush SuperBlack. Make sure you brush for a full two minutes and use dental floss or an interdental brush. It also doesn't hurt to change your toothbrush more often to prevent bacteria from settling in. A small tip regarding your diet: Even if you like to eat something sweet, be careful not to overindulge and brush your teeth after each of these tasty snacks.


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