My two founders developed me to combine contemporary, effective and affordable oral care. And how did the idea come about? At a big house party in Frankfurt, that Flo and Stefan both attended. After a long evening, even the biggest party animals got tired at some point and naturally had to brush their teeth. In the process, the two noticed: Many of their friends still use a manual toothbrush, even though the majority of dentists recommend electric brushing.
When looking for reasons, the same answers kept coming up: It's too expensive, too inconvenient and too unattractive for their friends. So when Flo and Stefan went to sleep, a first little idea of an electric toothbrush that makes people happy had developed their minds. And thereupon they started happybrush and developed the mission "OralCare That Really Cares".


October 24, 2017 was a significant day for Flo and Stefan: their appearance on the German Version of the
"Dragons Den". It was an important milestone for the two to present happybrush in front of an experienced jury and a large audience. Well prepared and highly motivated, they looked forward to the "den visit". At the beginning, the two had to take some criticism from the "dragons", but in the end they convinced Carsten Maschmeyer as well as Ralf Dümmel - and had a deal. Even though they have since parted ways with the lions, they still work every day to bring a breath of fresh air to the dusty oral care industry with happybrush.

I am more than just another toothbrush. I'm exactly the kind of oral care you want: simple, effective, and honest with a certain design edge. At the same time, it should also be a pleasure - and I mean that as I say it.... er, write! I have relevant features like my power battery or effective vibrations and no questionable ingredients in the toothpaste. I want to combine fair prices and still professional oral care. And I also want to help others! In short: I want to make the world a little bit better. By the way, the guys have all the background knowledge from their previous jobs at Oral-B and blend-a-med, as well as a large network of dentists, production partners and institutes. And now a hard-working, small team is working on bringing happybrush to everyone's ears.


Many clinical studies show that electric toothbrushing is significantly more effective than brushing with a manual toothbrush. Just click the button to learn more.


I strive to use resources responsibly and pursue a social mission to make the world a little bit happier.

Sustainable packaging

A small step for happybrush. A big one for the environment. Our mouthwash comes in a 100% recycled bottle and our toothpaste tubes are 30% recycled plastic (and 100% recyclable). The VIBE 3 attachment brushes are 40% renewable and come in cardboard packaging (not a blister) that easily fits in your mailbox.

Honest ingredients

All our toothpaste variants are vegan, gluten-free and "Made in Germany": without sodium lauryl sulfate, without triclosan, without palm oil and microplastics. In addition, they proudly bear a Dermatest "very good" seal. So everything you need is inside.

Social commitment

To make as many people happy as possible, social responsibility plays a big role for me. Since my foundation, I have supported social and sustainable causes. With #brushforwater, I started an initiative so that soon everyone in the world will have access to clean drinking water. In one year, I have already donated more than 500 million liters of drinking water. With your help, I'm currently supporting Plan International's "Clean Water for Ghana" project.