
What is plaque?


Plaque is the term used to describe the biofilm of saliva particles, bacteria and food residues that forms on the teeth over time. Plaque forms quite easily, especially in hard-to-reach areas, such as the spaces between teeth.



How does plaque form?


Plaque formation is mainly favoured by insufficient oral hygiene. If plaque is not removed thoroughly for a long time, it begins to harden and can no longer be removed by simply brushing the teeth. The hardening of the plaque is due to the storage of minerals from the saliva. If the plaque continues to harden, it is called tartar.



Problems caused by plaque?


As described above, plaque hardens into tartar. Due to its rough surface, it offers optimal conditions for the accumulation of further bacterial plaque. The consequences are often inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and even periodontosis. Plaque that is not removed also significantly increases the risk of caries, as plaque provides the ideal breeding ground for caries-causing bacteria. These bacteria demineralise the tooth by producing damaging acids. Thus, the tooth substance slowly begins to decompose and the holes in the tooth typical of caries develop.



Successfully preventing plaque 


The best way to slow down the formation of plaque is to eat a diet high in fibre and avoid foods that are too sugary.

However, to effectively remove plaque and especially prevent it from hardening, the simplest solution is thorough oral hygiene. With the happybrush toothbrush, you don't give plaque a chance to build up and remove it in no time with just 2 minutes of brushing twice a day. In addition, our sodium fluoride toothpaste ensures that your teeth are strengthened against all bacteria and acids through remineralisation!



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