Happybrush on "The Dragons´ Den"

October 24th,2017 was THE big day for us: We actually ventured into the "Höhle der Löwen" - the German version of "Draons´ Den". You can imagine that we were pretty excited. We had prepared for a long time for our appearance in front of the dragons. We had been following the show for a long time, we knew almost all the episodes and had already performed several pitch presentations before our friends, in order to get better bit by bit for the appearance.


Well prepared and highly motivated, we were looking forward to our "visit to the den". But of course, there were also a lot of dreams, fears and questions buzzing through our heads. Will the dragons give us positive feedback? Will we perhaps even be able to inspire one or more of the investors for our idea? Or will the excitement rather throw a spanner in the works? Will we have text hang-ups?

Chaos in our head, but oh well. We had decided to be brave, to take a big chance and show our passion for our product. We were prepared for anything. No matter if it would turn out well or badly for us - we looked forward to this kind of experience, which was completely new for us. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right??

During the shoot, we didn't feel all the tension and excitement as much as we thought we would. We were like in a tunnel and just answered the investors' questions. It was only when the shoot was over and the tension fell away that we realised what had actually just happened.


Everyone in our team was looking forward to the broadcast. All in all, we are ready, extremely happy and looking forward to your reactions and feedback!!

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