Effects of dietary trends on your teeth

There are many, many diet trends that are supposed to lead to weight loss or simply a healthier lifestyle. It is now well known that food intake has a big impact on your dental health. That's why we've taken a closer look at some of the most popular food trends and their effects on your teeth.



Keto diet


A ketogenic diet is characterised by a low-carbohydrate and low-sugar, but very high-fat diet. This puts the body into the natural state of ketosis and allows it to survive on a low food intake. If this diet is successful, the body burns fat instead of carbohydrates. In the process, strong-smelling chemicals called ketones are released. This is why your breath may start to smell like nail polish remover. To prevent this, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth thoroughly, using mouthwash and flossing between your teeth. A positive side effect of the ketogenic diet is that a low-carbohydrate and low-sugar diet reduces the risk of tooth decay. The bacteria that cause caries are deprived of their favourite breeding ground: Sugar.





There are many different forms of fasting. In core fasting, for example, calorie intake is reduced to a minimum over several days. Intermittent fasting, on the other hand, concentrates your food intake on 8 hours a day, the remaining 16 are spent fasting and not eating. Studies have shown that reduced eating and snacking also reduces the risk of tooth decay. Fasting can also improve and regulate your oral health in the long term. With intermittent fasting, however, it is important that you pay attention to what you eat during the "meal hours" so that there is also a positive effect on your teeth.



Vegan diet


The vegan diet is on the rise these days. However, it is important that your body gets a good balance of the nutrients it needs. In terms of dental health, the micronutrients calcium and vitamin D play a particularly important role. Calcium is usually not a problem and can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, almonds etc. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is found more in animal products, but can be produced by our skin cells themselves through UV light. Especially in winter, it can make sense to supplement your vitamin D intake. If you take care to eat a balanced diet with appropriate micronutrients, a vegan lifestyle is not only a very sustainable way of eating, but also one that does not negatively affect your oral health. Plant-based foods are also more alkaline and thus promote the pH value in your mouth, which has positive effects on your teeth and gums. The only thing to watch out for is excessive fruit consumption: fruit acids can attack the enamel and damage it in the long run.



The coffee-diet


The coffee diet promises weight loss if you drink a cup of black, hot coffee directly after a meal. At least 720 millilitres per day should be consumed, but you should avoid milk, cream and sugar in your coffee to avoid unnecessary calories. It is also advisable to use coffee with a light roast, as this contains more antioxidants and increases the health-promoting effect. Drinking coffee alone is not enough, of course. It is also important to eat a balanced and calorie-reduced diet to see results. As promising as the coffee diet may be, it can be harmful to your teeth. The dark pigments in coffee get stuck in the fine grooves on the surface of your teeth and can cause discolouration. Coffee also contains acids that can change the pH level in your mouth and attack tooth enamel. If you're on the coffee diet, make sure you drink plenty of water to protect your teeth from the acid and stay hydrated. Also, brush your teeth thoroughly 30 minutes after drinking coffee and maintain good oral hygiene.



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