Children's dental care: The little toothbrushing school
You probably take care of your teeth at least twice a day. You know the current recommendations and have developed your routine. But what about children? When do they start teething and how do you notice? When do you have to start caring for them - and above all: How??
At what age do children start teething?
What problems come with teething?
The fact that every child is unique in its development means that teething is always different. Sometimes there are no major complications, but the eruption of baby teeth can be quite stressful for parents and child.
When your toddler is teething, you may notice symptoms like fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration, rash, increased salivation or cysts in the mouth. Children often chew on objects or their fingers during this time because this counter-pressure relieves the pain of teething. However, these symptoms do not necessarily have to be associated with teething. If you are not sure, make an appointment with your dentist to find out. An added benefit of this is that your child can get used to dental examinations straight away.
How can you relieve symptoms?
If your child has teething problems, you can try to relieve the symptoms with herbal remedies. For example, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving teas such as cold sage or chamomile tea can help. You can dab them on the gums with a cotton bud. Chewing or teething rings, preferably cooled, also relieve pain and massage the gums at the same time. You can also gently massage your baby's gums with finger stalls, e.g. made of silicone. It is also important that your child drinks enough fluids.
Depending on the symptoms, homeopathic remedies can also make teething easier. Painkillers should only be given in exceptional cases and in consultation with a doctor.
Do you have to care for baby teeth?
The answer is: Yes! The myth that baby teeth are not important because they fall out anyway is long outdated.
Baby teeth have a thinner enamel layer than permanent teeth and are therefore less resistant. Dental care is important from the first baby tooth onwards to prevent tooth decay. This is because caries in the baby teeth can also cause irreversible damage to the next permanent tooth before it erupts. Taking good care of your child's milk teeth is also important for another function: baby teeth serve as space maintainers for the later, larger "adult teeth". If they are lost prematurely, this can lead to space problems in the dentition later on. Then your child may need orthodontic treatment. And, according to the motto "early practice makes perfect", your toddler will learn to take care of his teeth and mouth by brushing them regularly..
Therefore, you should brush your toddler's teeth twice a day as soon as the first baby teeth have erupted. It is best to use a child's toothbrush with soft bristles and a grain of rice-sized toothpaste up to the age of two, and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste (1000ppm) up to the age of six.
Dental care for children over 6
As the permanent teeth begin to erupt, the risk of tooth decay increases. Pay particular attention to the back molars. They emerge behind the baby teeth and are often overlooked or mistaken for baby teeth. Of course, they also need to be cared for thoroughly. In addition, the enamel of the permanent teeth is still very thin at the beginning. That's why a toothpaste with a higher fluoride content (1450ppm) is recommended from the age of six.
With our Minions bamboo toothbrush and the matching toothpaste, you can ensure a happy and healthy smile for your child. With the delicious banana-mint flavour of our toothpaste, brushing teeth is a breeze!
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