A healthy diet for teeth

What diet is healthy for teeth?


Our food not only affects our well-being in general, but also has a major impact on the health and appearance of our teeth! A wholesome diet is therefore important for our oral health. Chewy foods such as whole grain bread, muesli, raw vegetables and fruit promote blood flow to the gums and saliva flow - this washes away bacteria and provides the teeth with important minerals. For healthy teeth, dentists recommend avoiding sugary foods such as sweets, soft drinks and white flour products. 



Top 10  foods for beautiful teeth




Green tee


Green tea contains fluoride and strengthens tooth enamel. In addition, the tannins in the tea inhibit the formation of caries bacteria - and unsweetened(!) it helps against bad breath. Thanks to the polyphenols it contains, green tea can also inhibit the production of acid and reduce inflammation of the gums. Drinking tea therefore not only makes our skin and hair beautiful, but also our teeth! 





Vegetables, such as carrots, celery and peppers, are particularly tooth-friendly as they contain little acid. Similar to fruits, they are rich in vitamin C, which supports the renewal and growth process of the oral mucosa. Best eaten raw and rich in fibre, it has the side effect of stimulating the flow of saliva through intensive chewing, thus strengthening the tooth bed. The plant fibres also clean the interdental spaces.
Vegetables that contain a lot of calcium are also essential for our teeth and bones. Kale, broccoli, Chinese cabbage and fennel are known for their high calcium levels. However, not all ingredients in a healthy diet are good for our teeth. Some calcium-rich foods contain what is known as oxalic acid. This could lead to an undersupply of calcium, as it binds to calcium and thus removes it from the tooth enamel.



Whole grain bread


The rough surface of coarsely ground grains acts like a toothbrush, allowing wholemeal bread to pick up plaque as it is chewed. Just like raw foods, eating firm whole grain bread strengthens your tooth bed and promotes saliva flow. The moisture also contributes to dental health by neutralising acids.



Table salt


Fluoride-containing table salt mineralises teeth and protects them from acid and bacteria, thus protecting tooth enamel. Salt reduces the formation of plaque on teeth and inhibits the metabolism of bacteria. Since its approval for private households in 1991, "iodised salt with fluoride" has contributed significantly to the reduction of caries!



Still water


Like a rinse, water removes food residues and dilutes acids. Since brushing teeth directly after eating, especially after acidic foods and drinks, is not recommended, a big gulp of water helps to rinse through!



Sugar-free gum


Admittedly, not a real food, but helpful nonetheless. As they stimulate saliva, they can act as an acid neutraliser after a meal. Sugar-free, of course, they clean the spaces between the teeth and balance the oral flora. Dental chewing gums with xylitol (sugar substitute) are particularly good at cleaning.





„One apple a day keeps the doctor away!“ – in our case the dentist, because apples are "nature's toothbrush". They roughly clean the teeth of plaque and stimulate salivation, but they should not be used as an evening toothbrush substitute - fructose and acid can attack tooth enamel if consumed in excess!
Strawberries may not make your teeth healthier - but they can make them whiter! They contain an enzyme that acts like a bleaching agent (see Whitening). In addition, the small seeds "rub" plaque off the teeth.





Lentils, peas and beans are rich in fluoride and calcium. Both substances promote the remineralisation of tooth enamel. Fluoride also interferes with the metabolism of tooth-damaging bacteria in the mouth. In addition to classic stews, they can also be included in the diet as a roast, spread or puree.





Whole foods have two advantages: Firstly, it does not contain simple sugars that are easy for caries bacteria to digest, and secondly, it gives teeth and jaw muscles a good workout. It's a great workout that also stimulates saliva production and strengthens the gums. So maybe you should snack more often on nuts instead of gummy bears?



In summary: What is a healthy diet?


Acid is the enemy of healthy teeth. Directly produced from acidic foods, including fruit and fruit juices, or bacteria, for which sugar serves as a perfect basis for life, acid impairs dental health. Real dental friends, on the other hand, are foods that neutralise acid and are full of minerals. They repair and strengthen tooth enamel and promote saliva production. In other words, less chocolate and sparkling water - and more raw vegetables and tea.

If you still have questions about a healthy diet and balanced foods, contact your dentist!